Tall Ships Set to Return to Duluth August of 2016
The widely popular Tall Ships Festival will make a return to the Twin Ports in 2016, following their last visit to the area in 2013. The fleet of touring ships visited the West Coast during the 2014 season, and will travel to the East Coast for 2015 before setting sail for the Great Lakes again, targeting Duluth as a stop in August of 2016.
Minnesota Public Radio reports that the last two of the four total visits of the ships to the Twin Ports drew about 250,000 people from around the region, bringing $15 million to the local economy.
Event coordinator Craig Samborksi told MPR that the 2016 event will feature more international ships, adding something new to the dozen planned craft scheduled to sail into the Duluth Harbor. The upcoming festival is scheduled for August 18 to 21, 2016.