
Halloween Move Tip #8 – Watch This Spanish Movie With The Lights On! [VIDEO]
Halloween Move Tip #8 – Watch This Spanish Movie With The Lights On! [VIDEO]
Halloween Move Tip #8 – Watch This Spanish Movie With The Lights On! [VIDEO]
I know that when someone mentions subtitles a lot of people get instantly turned off.  Who wants to read a movie, right?   However whenever I've watched a movie with subtitles it doesn't take long at all for me to forget I'm even reading dialog, especially if it's good.  That is the case with the movie '', which is a very disturbing Spanish film from 2007.  It tells the story of a television repor
Halloween Movie Tip #7 – Watch Richard Gere Deal With Psychic Visions And Entities! [VIDEO]
Halloween Movie Tip #7 – Watch Richard Gere Deal With Psychic Visions And Entities! [VIDEO]
Halloween Movie Tip #7 – Watch Richard Gere Deal With Psychic Visions And Entities! [VIDEO]
'The Mothman Prophecies' isn't your typical horror movie, but I think it is a pretty effective thriller with some very creepy elements.  Richard Gere plays a reporter who loses his wife which starts a chain of odd events.  He is ultimately drawn to a small West Virginia town to investigate a series of odd events, including the appearance of a bizarre entities.  The film claims to be based on actua
5 Ways To Keep Up Your Self-Esteem While Job Searching
5 Ways To Keep Up Your Self-Esteem While Job Searching
5 Ways To Keep Up Your Self-Esteem While Job Searching
With the current state of the economy, there are more and more people looking for work.  Everyone at one time or another has been there, looking for their next job. The key is to stay positive during the process and know that your next job is out there, you just have to keep your head up and continue to believe in yourself.  That can be easier said than done, so here are 5 ways that will hopefully