The Superior Street storefront of the Duluth Electric Fetus has been vacant for about two years, but new life will be brought to the building this summer.
My daughter Kylee and I have talked about tattoos somewhere on our bodies since she was too young to get one. It was our "some day" conversation. This past Christmas she made our some day closer to reality by giving me a tattoo for a gift. We got the same tattoo and it has a very special meaning to both of us, here's why.
Lynn Olmsted is known by two names, Aunt Lynn, and Grandma Lynnie. I've been asking for your tattoos to show off and if you have a story, to share it. She got a tattoo, and it was quite the decision. My Grandpa Irv, her dad, didn't believe in getting pierced ears or tattoos, especially ladies, but she got one anyway.
This woman's love for herself is truly skin deep. In the perfect marriage of permanence and vanity, this woman got a tattoo of herself taking a selfie.
This is my tattoo, an Asian symbol meaning peace and tranquility. I got it years ago, while broadcasting live from a tattoo shop in downtown Duluth. I never had a problem with it. But, that isn't the case with some people today. Obviously, if you are going to get a tattoo, you would pick a reputable business and expect that the utensils they use are sterilized. But, what if it's the ink that
Brantley Gilbert is no stranger to being inked. The ACM New Artist of the Year nominee already has at least three tattoos, including one on his left arm that has a skull in it, one on his rib cage and one between his shoulder blades.
It seems inevitable that one day man and phone will become one. At some point in the future, we will make calls by thinking about the person we want to talk to and then listen to their voice through a chip in our ear. But is that future closer than we think?