The picture doesn't do the phenomenon justice. As we were driving southbound on I-35 to the Carlton VFW to volunteer at the monthly steak fry Saturday afternoon I saw this small rainbow-like light in the sky. I said it was a sundog and my husband, Homie questioned me on what a sundog is.
The technological world could soon be brought to its knees by a series of pseudo-apocalyptic space storms that are predicted to sever the heads of the world’s communication centers, satellites, and public transportation systems.
This is an actual picture taken from the Duluth/Superior Sky. Reports first came about this bright object around 5:15 am. It appeared to originate somewhere east over Lake Superior. So far, locals have been baffled by this object. Warmer temperatures may accompany this phenomenon...
May 19th is May Ray Day, designed to celebrate the beginning of warm days outside that the sun provides - unless you live near Lake Superior of course. I didn't know such a celebratory day existed until now so to celebrate I found some facts about the sun.
1. The sun is orbited by nine major planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (no longer an official p