steve carell

‘Anchorman 2′ Trailer: Stay Classy, Fat Face!
‘Anchorman 2′ Trailer: Stay Classy, Fat Face!
‘Anchorman 2′ Trailer: Stay Classy, Fat Face!
Has it really been nine years since Will Ferrell introduced audiences to the legendary Ron Burgundy with 'Anchorman'? Has it really taken Ferrell and co-writer/director Adam McKay almost a decade to put together a follow-up to the best comedy of the '00s...
“The Office” Finale Delivered A Proper Way To Say Goodbye
“The Office” Finale Delivered A Proper Way To Say Goodbye
“The Office” Finale Delivered A Proper Way To Say Goodbye
Last night was tough, as I expected it would be.  The show itself was described in the special that aired before as a "living thing."  It certainly did take a life of it's own, and it felt like we were putting it down.  But we all knew it had to go, and the writers met most of my expectations that I was hoping for.  SPOILER ALERT
Saying Goodbye To “The Office” & What I Hope To See on the Finale
Saying Goodbye To “The Office” & What I Hope To See on the Finale
Saying Goodbye To “The Office” & What I Hope To See on the Finale
I've talked about how The Office has run it's course last year, and about how the show needed to be wrapped up.  Let me just say that "The Office" is my favorite TV show and I've loved every season of it.  It is the only show that weekly has made me laugh out loud.  And tomorrow, we say goodbye.  It's going to be tough, but here's what I'd like to see.
‘The Office’ Final Season: Is Steve Carell “Unlikely” to Return?
‘The Office’ Final Season: Is Steve Carell “Unlikely” to Return?
‘The Office’ Final Season: Is Steve Carell “Unlikely” to Return?
While everyone has their own opinion of the direction NBC's 'The Office' has taken in the years without Steve Carell, as the series approaches its final swan song most would agree any finale would feel incomplete without Carell's character Michael Scott returning for one final "that's what she said." So while we move closer to 'The Office's ninth season and series finale, will Steve Care
It’s Time We Should Say Goodbye To “The Office”
It’s Time We Should Say Goodbye To “The Office”
It’s Time We Should Say Goodbye To “The Office”
This really saddens me, but I can't live in denial any longer.  I think it's time we say goodbye to the office, much like a loving dog owner who has to put their old, sick, dying dog down.  The thought of even doing it gives you a heavy heart.  Sure we've had a lot of good years and laughs, but slowly we seem to just be limping along together.
Software Can Detect Best Sentences for ‘That What She Said’ Jokes
Software Can Detect Best Sentences for ‘That What She Said’ Jokes
Software Can Detect Best Sentences for ‘That What She Said’ Jokes
We still don't know who's going to be the new boss on 'The Office' but could Michael Scott's sense of humor be replaced by a computer program? Chloé Kiddon and Yuriy Brun, two computer scientists at the University of Washington, have developed software that identifies the best sentences to attach the classic amendment "That's what she said."