Vehicle and foot traffic on Park Point picks up in the summer and so does the the shipping industry. It is a sure sign that warmer weather and sunny days are ahead when the Aerial Lift Bridge starts their summer schedule. What does that mean to you? Maybe a little time spent in your car being "bridged".
My husband and I have a wood burner so we are very conscious of where we can get the wood we burn. We found that there are certain counties in Wisconsin that won't allow the transport of wood across county lines due to gypsy moths and the emerald ash borer beetle. There was an emergency quarantine on Park Point last year that prompted the City to open a brush drop off site for Park Point reside
It's a favorite local tradition for many, the 26th annual Twin Ports Thanksgiving Day Buffet held at the DECC on Thanksgiving Day, November 26. The community is invited to enjoy a free turkey dinner with trimmings from 11a - 4p and the DTA is offering FREE rides to the event.
Vehicle and foot traffic on Park Point picks up in the summer and so does the the shipping industry. It is a sure sign that warmer weather and sunny days are ahead when the Aerial Lift Bridge starts their summer schedule. With the cooler weather, less tourist and ship traffic, it's time to transition back to the Fall schedule.What does that mean to you?
Vehicle and foot traffic on Park Point picks up in the summer and so does the the shipping industry. It is a sure sign that warmer weather and sunny days are ahead when the Aerial Lift Bridge starts their summer schedule. What does that mean to you? Maybe a little time spent in your car being "bridged". Check out the summer schedule here.
You'll probably forget because it's not until Sunday, but I'm going to do my best to forewarn you of the street cleaning schedule and locations of the City of Duluth.
The DTA has been in existence for over 130 years and has always made an effort to morph to the communities travel needs. To remain a reliable source of transportation for Northlanders, they will change some of their routes, primarily in the Miller Hill corridor and UMD area. Here are the changes and a link to find more information specific to you.
On Independence Day some people think of BBQ'd hamburgers and hot dogs, watermelon and corn on the cob. Most think of the fireworks displays and parades that bring the entire community out to the streets. If you're curious where you and you family can enjoy these festivities here's a few of the local ones I ran across to share.
Vehicle and foot traffic on Park Point picks up in the summer and so does the the shipping industry. It is a sure sign that warmer weather and sunny days are ahead when the Aerial Lift Bridge starts their summer schedule. What does that mean to you? Maybe a little time spent in your car being "bridged". Check out the summer schedule here.