Hitting rummage sales is something that can take a big chunk out of a weekend day. Hosting a rummage sale takes a lot of work, then a lot of cleanup at your house. Duluth's Indoor Arena Rummage Sale will make life easier for all parties involved.
If you have some old collectables, maybe you have started cleaning your garage, you found all your old hockey equipment, or you finally put together all the old family clothes and you think it can make you some money, you should sign up to sell at the Arena Rummage Sale.
We have always chosen Park Point to train for Grandma's Marathon. Years ago we got up early one morning to do our usual run and were met with lots of people and lots of bargains. I was hooked! It's awesome to be able to just walk from house to house for four miles searching for your treasures.
I love rummage sailing. It's such a great way to pick up some things you've been looking for and wanting to save money. Heck, I save money on things I haven't been looking for. There are several community rummage sales in the Northland, today and tomorrow it's in Esko. They even have maps to help you hit them all.
Recently I was rummage sale(ing) in Anoka and bought the huge dish pictured above. My plan was to use it to serve my Filipino noodle dish called Pancit, it would have been perfect. WOULD have been in the key word. It wasn’t until I got home and flipped it over to put it in the dishwasher that I was horrified to find out I shouldn’t, I couldn’t use it for what I intended.
We camped this past weekend in Anoka and while on a long bike ride decided to stop at a few rummage sales (because it was a nice part of town)! I quite possibly made the most stupid purchase of a unique item that I was thrilled to get for a buck. Have you ever seen one of these?
Yesterday was a bright sunny day perfect for Rummage sales. Trillium Services Clients and Employees gathered their gently used clothing, toys, appliances, and other things, for a rummage sale to benefit Loaves and Fishes.