Anyone who owns a gun of any kind knows you can't just go and shoot at squirrels in your neighborhood around other properties, but apparently, this man did not care.
This question actually comes up quite a bit. For gun owners that don't own any rural land or have easy access to a place to safely shoot, it can be hard to find a good gun range. Luckily there are some free or cheap options out there for you.
I've wanted an AR-15 for quite some time, and there was finally too good of a deal to pass up. I ordered a Palmetto State Armory 16" Mid-Length 5.56 NATO 1/7 Nitride MOE EPT Freedom Rifle online, and just picked it up from the dealer today.
Last year there was a "great panic" that caused ammo shortages and price hikes. I went to buy my .30-.30 Winchester Ammo last November and paid $25.99.
We are just several weeks away from the MN Deer Hunting Firearm Opener, and many hunters may need to check their Remington Rifles. The models 7 and 700 have been voluntarily recalled due to a faulty firing system that can fire without squeezing the trigger.