Last week, we took note of a new business venture called Screening Room spearheaded by Napster founder Sean Parker. The proposed service would digitally stream the latest major-studio theatrical releases into the confines of private American homes for a hefty estimated fee of $50 on the same day as in-theater premieres, rendering a trip to the local cineplex less necessary than ever. Naturally, this radical new strategy would change the entire face of the industry, and has accordingly raised hackles on the production, distribution, and exhibition sides of Hollywood. As movie theaters struggle to stay relevant and profitable, Parker’s every press conference sounds like a death knell. And this weekend, both sides of this instantly contentious debate dug in their heels on their positions.
Today, the Internet got a taste of Steven Spielberg's upcoming motion-capture animated film, 'The Adventures of Tintin,' thanks to a stunning trailer that promises one epic 3-D joyride.
If Spielberg's name isn't enough to get you hooked, try this: 'Tintin' was produced by Peter Jackson and co-written by Edgar Wright.