It would be fitting if there were no words to describe The Emoji Movie; if the ephemeral experience of consuming this unique entertainment could only be summarized in a small picture dashed off in a text message. But, no, there are plenty of words that can describe The Emoji Movie. Here are a few of them: Boring. Unfunny. Mercenary. Saccharine. Arduous. And, of course, crappy. If you prefer the poop emoji that works too.
Studios these days knows no bounds when it comes to anthropomorphizing inanimate objects. The objects in The Emoji Movie aren’t even real — merely code-based pictograms that live on the surface of your phone screen. But that won’t stop Sony, determined to make you feel emotions for the very things meant to stand in for emotions in the first place...
What a cool guy Patrick Stewart is. His wife got him this ridiculous dancing and singing hat and he agreed to pose for a video, which his wife uploaded to YouTube. What a good sport, and you can tell he loves it!