With 2016 coming to an end, it's a good time to look back at some of the cool photo's that were taken around the area from throughout the past 12 months.
Nopeming Sanatorium has long held a place in the curiosity of many in the Duluth area. The building, which was built in 1912 as a tuberculosis care center, has succumb to age, Mother Nature, and vandals sneaking onto the property.
Just in time for Halloween weekend, the owners of Nopeming Sanatorium in Duluth have announced a series of tours to satisfy the creepy curiosity of the public and help in the restoration of the facility.
Last year when Nopeming opened up it's doors, Keenan McGovern was touring the building and was taking snapchat movies. He shared with me this very short video of, what appears to be a man walking or running. I have slowed the film down and showed it to you twice.
Duluth Paranormal Society will be touring the William A Irvin and investigating again. After leading tours at Nopeming last year, the group warns people there will not be tours offered this year, and a reminder, please don't trespass and try and investigate the property. Go through the right channels, but please don't go to the property and run amuck just to get some good photos.
Duluth Paranormal experiments with the latest gear to try and collect evidence that there might be something there, or there is definitely nothing there. While in the surgery room, they were trying to catch spirits on a ouija board and about 10-15 minutes in to the video, the camera catching something.
One of the first videos to be released from the Nopeming investigation by the Duluth Paranormal Society is a convincing one. I don't normally think balls of light are a sign that there might be a ghost. This video shows a ball of light materialize and move along an open door and along a wall. All the while not bending with the wall or open door like light would.