Cathy brought this up during the B105 Things this morning and I immediately perked up. It's a robot that is being developed that will fold your laundry. People are already registering for the product just based on the demonstration on the video. Check it out! If it works I would totally spend $800 on this!
I have always bought my washer and dryer second hand. The last pair I purchased has lasted almost 13 years and they are still working, just not that great. I'm ready to take the leap and purchase a new pair, but don't know which kind to get. Do you have an opinion?
Last night we were at my in-laws for another Christmas Celebration. We were drinking wine, most of it red, when I made a big mistake. I forgot I had nearly a full glass when I swung my arm around and spilled wine all over my shirt. OH no! This is one of my favorite shirts, what am I going to do? Luckily, my in laws are wine experts and told me to use dawn dish soap. Really? Noo... it can't
Recently, I made and blogged about a homemade laundry soap that my friend Coleen had found at It involved grating a bar of Fels Naptha soap and mixing it with other powdered detergents. For those of you that prefer a liquid detergent, there is a recipe for that too. The goal is to give you bright, clean, great smelling clothes, while saving oodles of money. Let me know
First, I have to give credit to my friend Coleen and the website she found Once you visit the website, you will feel that Jillee is your friend too! The kind that has a solution for all your needs! Coleen and I were visiting and she mentioned that she made her own laundry detergent. She said her clothes were brighter and smelled wonderful. She told me how long a batc