What happens when you combine a master guitar-playing country superstar and one of the most adorable film icons of recent years? You get one cute country couple, of course!
Kevin Nealon has a twitter series called Hiking With Kevin. It's a basic low budget interview technique where he goes for a hike with some celebrities. We find out some interesting things about Brad during the hike, like his biggest fears, bad habits, and memorable experiences.
The drama seems to be mounting on 'Nashville,' with news that Kimberly WIlliams-Paisley will reprise her role as the devious Peggy Samper for at least three of the final nine episodes of the ABC series' first season.
Peggy... Oh Peggy. You home-wrecker! Kimberly Williams Paisley joins the cast as a guest star, playing Teddy's lady on the side. We all knew about Rayna's emotional roller coaster with Dean, but Teddy's actual affair came out of nowhere! From what last night's episode showed us, this cheating mess with Teddy and Peggy is still pretty fresh.