'The Girls I Go With' from Kevin Fowler's forthcoming record 'How Country Are Ya?' is a based off the saying 'that's good enough for the girls I go with,' and in this video exclusive, Fowler shares a warning about the song with fans -- and it'll only heighten your desire to hear it.
Kevin Fowler's 'The Weekend' is one of 15 tracks on 'How Country Are Ya?' and while it is more rockin' than 'Before Somebody Gets Hurt,' this new track follows the same common theme as every other song on the record. The singer shares what ties all of his tracks together -- and it isn't necessarily something you'll hear while listening to the album.
'Love Song' is Kevin Fowler's newest single. The fun track from 'How Country Are Ya?' was actually written a few years ago -- in fact, the singer had forgotten about it. In this video exclusive, fans can hear Fowler's explanation for the title before listening to the song in its entirety.
Most love song videos may have you envisioning stargazing, romantic kisses and candlelight dinners, but Kevin Fowler's 'Love Song' music video is anything but typical.
The title track from Kevin Fowler's upcoming seventh studio album asks a question the Texas singer is proud to answer. During 'How Country Are Ya?' Fowler is pushed by a cutie at the bar to prove his country credibility. The music video -- available for the first time via this Taste of Country exclusive premiere -- is his unique and comical response.