It's not often that a news station becomes news itself, but that's what happened last night when a disturbed man smashed the KBJR window in Canal Park.
For Grandma's Marathon weekend 2014, we were once again proud to be on the course running and broadcasting, as well as hosting the entertainment tents. It was a great experience to be a part of it all again this year.
This years Grandmas Marathon was one to remember with a new record set, new entertainment lineups, and, it turns out, record attendance figures.
On Saturday my family and I did our annual long training run for the Gary Bjorklund half marathon. As I was running along Brighton Beach I looked through the fog on the lake and noticed a couple boats with authorities inside looking for something. I kept running and as I approached the tourist parking area, I saw several fire trucks. We yelled up to them to see what was going on and it was then
The Minnesota State Patrol was asking for the public's help tracking down a semi that illegally passed a stopped school bus, nearly killing a student on May 30. The incident happened on Highway 23 near Paynesville and New London, and it was captured on video.
It's that time of the year where we all get set to hit the water for fishing and recreation, so it's a perfect time for National Safe Boating Week. This weekend, the U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers was helping spread the message of the "Ready, Set, Wear It!" campaign, reminding everyone of the importance of wearing life jackets.