Your guide to the 2022 Independence Day Weekend fireworks displays in the greater Twin Ports area, on the Iron Range, North Shore, and across Northwestern Wisconsin.
Fireworks schedules for Duluth, Superior, Cloquet, Ashland, Grand Rapids, Two Harbors, Solon Springs, Moose Lake, Virginia, and the MN Arrowhead and WI South Shore.
On Independence Day some people think of BBQ'd hamburgers and hot dogs, watermelon and corn on the cob. Most think of the fireworks displays and parades that bring the entire community out to the streets. If you're curious where you and you family can enjoy these festivities here's a few of the local ones I ran across to share.
2015 is looking like the Nerd singularity, when we'll see such films as 'The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron,' 'Jurassic World,' 'The Fantastic Four,' 'Batman Vs. Superman,' 'Terminator 5,' 'Ant-Man,' the new James Bond, 'Warcraft' and 'Star Wars: Episode 7' all hitting the big screen. But one big title has decided to hold off until 2016: 'Independence Day 2.'
I saw one of these on Facebook and I immediately became a fan. What would movie trailers sound like if they actually described honestly what the movie would be about. Some of the movies I'm a big fan of, but I still can laugh pretty hard at. Like for example, "Independence Day."