It's never been easier to get a safe ride in our community, but sadly we still have alcohol related crashes and fatalities like the one Monday morning.
A major winter storm swept through the plains earlier this week. There was a terrible crash on I-35 where many cars crashed into each other along with semi trucks and even a plow got caught up in it.
You can see that speed and low visibility definitely were contributing factors to this crash...
Coming in this next spring, work will begin on a new roundabout that will replace the deadly Highway 33/ Interstate 35 area. There have been two fatal crashes in the last 10 years and other serious injuries from the current design.
A petition has been started recently asking that MnDOT change the I-35 & Highway 33 intersection in Cloquet. It has seen 40 accidents in the last 3 years. 600 people have already signed the petition.
Ugh. That's what we will all be saying come road construction season. This year will be a record year for the amount of orange cones on the road. I don't know about you, but I think we deserve a break commuting after the last couple of years we had here in the Twin Ports.
The road construction is slowly making it way across the Northland. If you haven't already been impacted in some way, perhaps this next bout of road closures and detours will do the trick. We're moving from the Duluth area up I-35 between Scanlon and Larson Road this Thursday, June 7...