
How Many Rounds Does It Take For This Glock 17 To Meltdown? [VIDEO]
How Many Rounds Does It Take For This Glock 17 To Meltdown? [VIDEO]
How Many Rounds Does It Take For This Glock 17 To Meltdown? [VIDEO]
Some people love Glock handgun, and some people hate them.  I'm a satisfied owner, and the reason I bought a Glock was because I believed they are the most reliable handgun out there.   Well this guy Eric modified a Glock 17 to shoot fully automatic, and tried to cause a meltdown with the gun after shooting hundreds of rounds in succession.  Pretty cool idea.
We Decided To Carve Pumpkins Using Guns, Here’s How It Went [VIDEO]
We Decided To Carve Pumpkins Using Guns, Here’s How It Went [VIDEO]
We Decided To Carve Pumpkins Using Guns, Here’s How It Went [VIDEO]
We were sitting around the conference table at work earlier this month, trying to figure out unique things to do for Halloween.  We wanted to do something with carving pumpkins, but we needed to make it more exciting.  We happen to also be gun enthusiasts, so why not give this a try?
Here is How To Properly Hold A Semi-Auto Hangun [VIDEO]
Here is How To Properly Hold A Semi-Auto Hangun [VIDEO]
Here is How To Properly Hold A Semi-Auto Hangun [VIDEO]
I hate to admit it, but I did actually learn something from this video.  I've been shooting guns all my life, but I'm relatively a newbie when it comes to a semi-auto pistol.  I can't wait to hit the range and try the tips I've just learned.
Check Out These New Self Healing Shooting Targets [VIDEO]
Check Out These New Self Healing Shooting Targets [VIDEO]
Check Out These New Self Healing Shooting Targets [VIDEO]
Let's face it.  Shooting a paper target gets old.  So unless you're on your own property shooting at pop cans or jars, there's not much else you can do.  I saw this in a store yesterday and picked one up.  I can't wait to try it.  Here's a cool video showing how they work!
The NFL Means Not For Long If All Their Current Problems Continue
The NFL Means Not For Long If All Their Current Problems Continue
The NFL Means Not For Long If All Their Current Problems Continue
Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson seem to be the tip of the ice berg lately with all the cheating and other charges. On Monday Johnny Manzel, the number one pick from Cleveland put himself in treatment. Everyone saw the signs coming, he parties all the time, doesn't show up to practice. He has to be commended for checking himself in, though.
Learn the Different Set Ups for Clay Pigeon Shooting [VIDEOS]
Learn the Different Set Ups for Clay Pigeon Shooting [VIDEOS]
Learn the Different Set Ups for Clay Pigeon Shooting [VIDEOS]
The Courage Center's "Shoot For Fun" is this Saturday and me and a few other guys will be going from work to participate.   I've never done formal trap club shooting.   I've shot a lot of pigeons, but it's always been on our hunting property.  When I saw the different terms like Wobble, Trap, 5 Stand, and Flurry, I had to look up what they were.  Here's some videos showing you the differ
Study Shows Gun Homicides Has Dropped 49% Since 1990’s, Despite What Media May Have You Believe
Study Shows Gun Homicides Has Dropped 49% Since 1990’s, Despite What Media May Have You Believe
Study Shows Gun Homicides Has Dropped 49% Since 1990’s, Despite What Media May Have You Believe
This was a surprising study I found today.  Modern news media including 24 hour news channels, internet news sites, etc cover the mass shootings and gun murders so extensively that we feel like gun violence is soaring out of control.  In reality, gun homicide is down 49% since it peaked in the mid 1990's.

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