The City Of Superior recently put in a sidewalk in front of my house. They seeded the sod left over on the side and now all I have is this strange weed growing.
When New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers tore his achilles heel in a recent game against the Buffalo Bills he blamed artificial turf. Does he have a point?
If you want to upgrade your loan or get a new loan, make sure you mow your lawn. Make sure your yard is clear of debris and take care of your house. Loan institutions are checking into your past and asking questions about your lawn. It sounds silly, but it's true and now social media plays a part in the fact checking, as they look at your lawn pictures.
Who's lawn mower breaks at the end of the season? Mine does, of course. After trying several attempts to revive the old "Montgomery Ward" mower, I gave up. It had already been patched and jerry rigged enough times, I decided it was time to get a new one. But I was on a budget, so I was looking for a bargain.