Easter Sunday is April 16, and the day before the 4th Annual Lincoln Park Egg-Splosion offers you and your family a chance to have some pre-holiday fun.
Your had a great Easter making memories with your family. Now you have way too many hard boiled eggs stinkin' up your fridge and you want to use them up fast. But, what do you make other than the usual egg salad or deviled eggs. Here's 3 unique recipes from Taste of Home that your family will love, you may end up hard boiling more eggs!
Easter comes early this year, March 27. It's time to start planning all the local Easter events you and your family will attend to make memories together. I invite you to my neighborhood for one that on it's 3rd year and going strong. The Egg-Splosion Event in Lincoln Park.
We've been talking about the health benefits of olive oil and the reason why Rustic Olive's olive oil and balsamic vinegar stands out above the rest with flavor and freshness. With Easter this weekend people are looking for eggs, to color and to eat. Did you know you can get farm fresh eggs at the Rustic Olive too?
The words egg roll caught my eye, because I make them. But, it had nothing to do with food, instead, it was the National Easter Egg Hunt at the White House. Have you ever thought how one gets invited to that festivity? It's a lottery system to get free tickets (and of course, you'll have to get you and your family there). If you're interested, here's how!
Even though the forecast calls for a wintry mix or rain on Saturday, don't let that change your family plans to attend the Lake Superior Zoo's EGG-stravaganza. They are prepared for Mother Nature.
It's not too soon to be thinking about Easter, April 20, it comes early this year. What will you do to make coloring eggs different, more challenging or eggs-citing? Ok, overused play on words, sorry. How about tie-dyeing them? It will be a little more work and could potentially be a bit more messy, but think of the memories you'll be making with your family!
I've seen a few Northland houses with colorful plastic Easter eggs hanging from trees in their yard. I applaud their decorating efforts. If I did that at my house, the neighborhood kids would take care of them as soon as I turned my back!! Here's a German couple that has taken Easter egg tree decorating to a whole new level!