St. Louis County is ranked fourth in the state for drunk driving-related fatalities, according to state statistics, hopefully this new App that is available will cut this down to zero int he future.
Recently I published a blog about a unique fact about liquor stores in Superior. On Facebook, a response came that "Everything in this town has to do with drinking." Last year it was announced that another bar in Superior was opening up, and the negative responses came in, "Just another drinking place, where are the other things to do?" After living in many different communi
Law agencies locally and across the State of Minnesota have now ramped up their DWI enforcement for the holiday season on weekends. But, there is a service being offered in Duluth that has you covered, it's called Twin Ports JOYRIDE.
While there are plenty of awards to make a toast about in the City of Duluth, turns out maybe too many people are getting toasted. That's according to a recent study that ranks cities in each state by how drunk they are. Duluth is #1 on the list in Minnesota.
Saturday night I sent a text to Cathy asking about Harold's Flippin' Flapjack Fiasco. We were going to go, and I wanted to see what time it started. Turns out Cathy was at the VFW and unwinding after an already long weekend with a couple of Bacardis. They must have been strong, because utter nonsense followed.
As added incentive to influence your decision whether to drive after you drink this Thanksgiving, there will be added DWI enforcement on the roads. Think ahead and pack a bag or make sure you have a designated driver committed to sticking to non-alcoholic drinks.
Recently we had a get together that involved quite a bit of people. I thought it would be good to get a keg, now that we are in our 30's and adult enough to responsibly handle the magnitude of 16 gallons of beer on hand. It was a great time, however I couldn't help but notice some things that have continued to occur, even as we are older. I thought these unplanned circumstances only resulted f