
End of the World Bucket List
End of the World Bucket List
End of the World Bucket List
If the Mayan Calendar is correct, we've only got until Friday folks.  I don't know about you, but there is absolutely no way I'll be able to get my bucket list done by then.  So I've come up with a shortened list that I may actually be able to accomplish by Friday morning...
Doomsday Clock : 5 Minutes To Midnight
Doomsday Clock : 5 Minutes To Midnight
Doomsday Clock : 5 Minutes To Midnight
These scientists should really move their think tank meetings earlier in the week, or on the weekend so we could get this depressing news on a Monday.  Really, on a Wednesday you're going to tell us this?  The day before my vacation you're telling me we are one step closer to the end of the world...
It’s The End Of The World Part 2!  Or Is It Tomorrow?
It’s The End Of The World Part 2! Or Is It Tomorrow?
It’s The End Of The World Part 2! Or Is It Tomorrow?
It was five months ago today that Harold Camping broadcasted through his radio stations "Family Radio" that the Rapture would begin.  I took a lot of interest in this because it was my wedding day.  Fortunately, nothing happened.  Earthquake were suppose to open up the ground and the dead would rise and the chosen few would be with Christ in heaven while the rest of us endured months of