As we get back to busier schedules, it's important to make sure your health is all good, especially if you didn't keep up with your routine appointments during the pandemic.
I thought we were spared from the 2018 influenza season in our house. Spring is here and I was optimistic that we made it. Then it hit, and it hit hard.
I spend a lot of time in front of a screen. Between my computers at work, at home, and my mobile devices, I spend hours straining my eyes everyday. Recently I had an eye check up and complained to my doctor about how hard it is to see my smartphone sometimes. I find my self taking my glasses off because I have a hard time adjusting. She suggested digital lenses. This was a new thing I had n
When I think back to the vaccinations I got as a child I don't remember my parents having a choice. But, it was a different time. They actually gave us a cube of sugar, A CUBE OF SUGAR, with a pink dot of medicine on it. I think it was to prevent polio back then. Parents today would never go for that, but some are eliminating vaccinations all together and I don't see why.
I was at a routine doctor's appointment yesterday when I was told I was overdue on my Tetanus vaccination. Ok, what the heck. Let's get it over with and I'll be good for a few more years. But then the Nurse also suggested that I get the combination that includes the Pertussis (or whooping cough) vaccination.
Six months ago I had a routine check up for my vision. A slight problem surfaced - high eye pressure. High eye pressure can lead to gluacoma, which can in turn lead to blindness. Naturally, my optometrist wanted to do some tests and check the progress...
A doctor has proposed putting severely obese children in temporary foster homes.
Dr. David Ludwig, an obesity specialist at Harvard-affiliated Children's Hospital Boston, made this recommendation Wednesday in highly respected 'Journal of the American Medical Association.'