After a big story broke about a new man in Lambert's life, Shelton took to Twitter with a tweet that seems to be aimed in her direction. Is this why they split?
I gotta be honest with you, I'm a little ticked off at HGTV. No, it's not because their unrealistic reality TV in general. This has to do with the fact that Flip or Flop couple Tarek & Christina have been split up for months and the way HGTV has handled it.
I found an older thread on reddit today that asked the question of divorced people if there were any signs from the beginning that their relationship was doomed. It was a great read with a lot of different answers. One of the things that popped out was the canoe test. It's where you can gauge how long a couple will last after seeing how they handle a canoe trip.
It seems like only yesterday that Tom Cruise was jumping up and down on Oprah's couch in celebration of his love for the beautiful Katie Holmes. Now, after 5 1/2 years of marriage, it has been confirmed that the famous couple are getting a divorce.
In what appears to be the ultimate in messy break-ups, a woman in Superior aired the couple's dirty laundry in a yard near the intersection of 21st Street and East 9th Avenue. The sight caught the attention of passers by, prompting a couple pictures popping up on Facebook through the day and Superior Police and news teams appearing in the afternoon.
The past several months have been quite challenging for Rodney Atkins, as he continues to go through a highly-publicized divorce with his soon-to-be ex-wife, Tammy Jo. Atkins filed for divorce after 13 years of marriage following a late-night argument which ended on a very sour note — with Atkins getting arrested. His wife made serious allegations against him, claiming domestic abuse, though the s
Being a high profile couple is tough, especially when you can't keep the clown in the tent if you catch my drift.
Demi Moore is ending her marriage to fellow actor Ashton Kutcher, she told The Associated Press on Thursday.
The big Hollyweird News is that after just 72 days of, shall we say "wedded bliss", Kim Kardashian has filed for divorce. During the commercial break of Monday Night Football, we flipped through the channels and saw THIS, "Kim's Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event. While I certainly don't want to insinuate there isn't emotional pain involved with both parties involved (and the
The 2009 Census reveals that while couples in western and southern states marry more often, they also divorce at a higher rate than those in other areas of the US.
Andrew Cherlin, a professor of sociology and public policy at Johns Hopkins University, said, “Surprisingly, the south and west, which we think of as more socially conservative, have higher rates of divorce than does the supposedly libe