darth vader

Early ‘Rogue One’ Draft Featured Darth Vader Killing a Major Character
Early ‘Rogue One’ Draft Featured Darth Vader Killing a Major Character
Early ‘Rogue One’ Draft Featured Darth Vader Killing a Major Character
Even before those highly-publicized reshoots, Rogue One went through several story changes during development, which isn’t unusual for the majority of films, especially big blockbusters. Just yesterday we learned more details about the original, somewhat happier ending to the flagship installment in Lucasfilm’s A Star Wars Story series, but that was far from the only change made during the scripting stage.
Gareth Edwards Explains Why Darth Vader’s ‘Rogue One’ Ending Scene Almost Didn’t Happen
Gareth Edwards Explains Why Darth Vader’s ‘Rogue One’ Ending Scene Almost Didn’t Happen
Gareth Edwards Explains Why Darth Vader’s ‘Rogue One’ Ending Scene Almost Didn’t Happen
One of the most exciting, gasp-worthy moments in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story takes place in the film’s final moments. In the scene – spoiler alert – a red lightsaber slices through the darkness and Darth Vader emerges onto the ship. He demolishes a pack of rebel soldiers before a blockade runner escapes and delivers the Death Star plans to Princess Leia. It’s one of the best scenes in the film, but it almost didn’t happen.
Darth Vader Will Appear in ‘Star Wars: Rogue One’
Darth Vader Will Appear in ‘Star Wars: Rogue One’
Darth Vader Will Appear in ‘Star Wars: Rogue One’
With Rogue One: A Star Wars Story set betwixt the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, and with a story that involves the band of Rebels who stole the plans for the original Death Star (the same plans that Princess Leia gave to R2-D2, sparking the plot of the original Star Wars), it would only make sense that the Empire’s villain supreme, Darth Vader, would be involved somehow. I mean, he has to be right? What is he, asleep at the wheel of the TIE fighter? C’mon.
Darth Vader Wants To Be President of Ukraine
Darth Vader Wants To Be President of Ukraine
Darth Vader Wants To Be President of Ukraine
Darth Vader, with a few stormtroopers, appeared in Ukraine and gave a speech essentially putting his helmet in the race for the President of Ukraine. Darth Vader is the official candidate of the Ukrainian Internet Party (UIP), which wants to make everything digital with free computer classes for all...

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