For any parent when their daughter first gets her period it can be a confusing time, especially for the father. But one man did his best and posted on social media about it.
It's one of those things that you say will never happen, and then one day it does. You become your parents and you don't realize it until it's too late.
I don't spend the time I should with my dad, especially up at the deer shack which is his favorite place. When I bought 2 new guns recently and was going to go shoot them with my lady, I invited Dad too. Where I shoot is close to the deer shack so it was pretty easy to convince him...
Bravo Cheerios, you've got me smiling. All too often Dad's have been the butt of jokes when it comes to parenting. Not this time, Cheerios nails it. I have a feeling there will be some other dads like me just buying this product to say thanks. Plus it looks pretty good!
Dads are great at so much: teaching us how to play catch, embarrassing us in front of our friends when we're in high school, fixing that step on the porch, etc. But skateboarding is not one of those things.
Now this is something useful for me and other dads out there! I always have trouble getting my daughters hair into a ponytail. I break the little rubber bands or I pull her hair and she gets upset.
My dad likes to gamble. It's his fun thing to do. He's been to Vegas many times, so many times that when I was lost in Vegas I called him and he gave me directions back to my hotel over the phone.
He's not a card player. He likes the slot machines...
What makes a truly hideous tie? Is it the color? The shape? The presence of marine life? The truth is, there’s no one answer, which is why we’ve given you 10. It doesn’t matter how you knot it, ties don’t get much worse than this.
Check out 10 ties to avoid buying for Father’s Day.
With a foul ball heading toward him, and his daughter in his arms, a man at a Los Angeles Dodger's game had to make a split-second choice
He decided to drop his daughter and go for the catch. While this may have been a justifiable decision if he had been able to snag the ball, he dropped that, too.
Luckily, the daughter was uninjured, and any abandonment issues can be worked out later in therap