The 'Missed Connections' section on Craigslist is always a gold mine. You can find just about any and all kinds of stories in there and they never disappoint.
From checking out the girl who's getting out of the cab at the local walmart to trying to hang out with the girl getting an oil change jamming out to some Goo Goo Dolls, the 'Missed Connections' section never disappoints.
A quick search on Craigslist for Grandma's Marathon will show you plenty of things for sale. It's like a black market for Grandmas Marathon entries. There's also a lot of lodging options for people desperate for even a place to pitch a tent.
Every once in a while I like to look through Duluth's Craiglist for sale section, just to see what's out there. Everytime I look, I find a few things for sale that make me scratch my head.
The 'Missed Connections' page on the local Craigslist is a place where people go and try to find the one who got away, here are some of the highlights from the month of December.
We've heard horror stories about someone being robbed, assaulted or even killed while meeting a stranger for a transaction that originated through Craigslist or Facebook. While the majority of such transactions are between two law abiding citizens, it's still best to protect yourself by meeting at a safe place in the Northland.
It's no secret that the prime real estate that is home to the now vacant Central High School is for sale, but measures to sell the property have been taken to the next level.
While we know the good ole' U.S.A is home to tons of weird people like Prodigy Pat, we've come across a dude in Portland, Ore. who's a straight-up nutcase.
One of the worst possible things that could happen to a guy is getting kicked in the balls...