The Holy Cross Youth Are Holding A Food DriveThe Holy Cross Youth Are Holding A Food DriveYou can help out those in need and there is even a contest at this event.Joe DangerJoe Danger
Barnum School District To Hold COVID-19 Testing EventBarnum School District To Hold COVID-19 Testing EventThis one day event is to help gather information on the virus and how it's spread.Joe DangerJoe Danger
Don’t Miss This Annual Pie Day CelebrationDon’t Miss This Annual Pie Day CelebrationThere will be something for everyone to enjoy.Joe DangerJoe Danger
CSS Rugby Teams Sponsoring Blood Drive At CollegeCSS Rugby Teams Sponsoring Blood Drive At CollegeDonating can help save lives of those in our community.Joe DangerJoe Danger
Twin Ports Area Memorial For Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is SaturdayTwin Ports Area Memorial For Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is SaturdayThere will be live music, various speakers, and informational tables setup.Joe DangerJoe Danger
One Hour Of Your Time Could Save Three LivesOne Hour Of Your Time Could Save Three LivesA local business is working with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive.Joe DangerJoe Danger
U-Pick Pumpkin Patch Benefits The CommunityU-Pick Pumpkin Patch Benefits The CommunityThe whole family is invited to this two-day event with low price pumpkins.Joe DangerJoe Danger
Free Food To Be Distributed With No Income RestrictionsFree Food To Be Distributed With No Income RestrictionsIf you are in need, just show up to this drive-thru event.Joe DangerJoe Danger
Don’t Miss Harvest Fest With Neighborhood Youth ServicesDon’t Miss Harvest Fest With Neighborhood Youth ServicesThere will be food, games, and prizes!Joe DangerJoe Danger
Duluth And Superior Team Up For Watershed CleanupDuluth And Superior Team Up For Watershed CleanupThis virtual event is good for the environment and you might win prizes. Joe DangerJoe Danger
Local Nonprofit Needs Your Help Cleaning Up Duluth StreetsLocal Nonprofit Needs Your Help Cleaning Up Duluth StreetsIt's as simple as showing up and putting some trash in bags.Joe DangerJoe Danger
Neighborhood Youth Services Celebrates Back To School With BBQNeighborhood Youth Services Celebrates Back To School With BBQIt's free to attend and they will have food and backpacks with school supplies.Joe DangerJoe Danger