
Eat Affordably While Road Tripping with Your Family this Summer [Money Saving Tips]
Eat Affordably While Road Tripping with Your Family this Summer [Money Saving Tips]
Eat Affordably While Road Tripping with Your Family this Summer [Money Saving Tips]
As a child, one of the highlights of our road trips was stopping at a cafe or truck stop.  But, with today's prices with food and gas, that is somewhat of a luxury.  So, how do you feed your family and still have money to stop at the World's Largest Ball of Twine exhibit?  Here's some tips for you to consider, hopefully they'll be helpful!
Now Is A Good Time To Think About Budget Billing For Utilities
Now Is A Good Time To Think About Budget Billing For Utilities
Now Is A Good Time To Think About Budget Billing For Utilities
Your utility bill is one of those few bills that can change drastically from one month to another.  With living in the Northland, we know this first hand.  In the summer time in our house, or bill can range usually between $100-$160 a month.  In the winter, it can reach nearly $500 a month.  The nice thing is that most utility companies offer budget billing.
Unexpected $876 Million State Surplus Comes With Caution
Unexpected $876 Million State Surplus Comes With Caution
Unexpected $876 Million State Surplus Comes With Caution
The state of Minnesota got unexpected news withe this $876 million state surplus.  However it looks like all Minnesota residents won't be receiving a check anytime soon. Although they predict the state will end the two-year budget cycle with a surplus, the state's economic gurus are not dancing in the streets...