
Ice Wall Update
Ice Wall Update
Ice Wall Update
Driving home this afternoon I took a quick detour to see for myself the Wall of Ice project that artist Roger Hanson has been working on.  There is a noticeable difference than what I saw just a few days ago.
12 Impressive Balloon Art Creations
12 Impressive Balloon Art Creations
12 Impressive Balloon Art Creations
Balloon art is usually something that's confined to a) clowns or b) those guys on the side of the street who make those really embarrassing hats that are like, five feet tall. As it turns out though, there's a whole lot more to the art than standard balloon animals or pop-able accessories. In fact, a lot of 'em are actually impressive.
How To Cover Your School Books!
How To Cover Your School Books!
How To Cover Your School Books!
Well!  I'm not jealous or anything (maybe a little) but back when I was going to school we only had brown paper bags to cover our books.  This idea will add a little color and personality to your schoolbooks and it's SO easy!  Just recycle a gift bag (of the right size, of course) and you will have unique school books that stand out from the rest.
11 Amazing Etch-A-Sketch Creations
11 Amazing Etch-A-Sketch Creations
11 Amazing Etch-A-Sketch Creations
Etch-A-Sketches are one of those childhood toys that never go out of style. If you're like most people, a few hours' worth of entertainment usually produced some pretty bad art, although it never really mattered. But there are the select few who are really good at Etch-A-Sketching. Like, really really good.
Unusual Household Items Create Unique Repurposed Gifts That Will Make You Say “NO WAY”
Unusual Household Items Create Unique Repurposed Gifts That Will Make You Say “NO WAY”
Unusual Household Items Create Unique Repurposed Gifts That Will Make You Say “NO WAY”
It was an absolutely perfect time for the Cloquet Artisan's to show their recycled creativity.  B105 has had a heightened awareness of being environmentally friendly with our GO GREEN SPECTACULAR.  As I wandered through the talented Art Vendors in the Cloquet Armory, I had several jaw dropping moments.  For instance, just guess what the plastic bag holders in this picture are made of.....just gues