There is a new non-profit organization that has opened in Duluth. Puppa's Pals are a group of volunteers working to provide temporary foster placement for pets whose people are facing some sort of crisis of some sort.
Some of us have run into the dilemma of dealing with an abandoned or injured wild animal. I don't mean "wild" like a tiger or elephant, I mean a non-domesticated animal like a fox, fawn or a turkey vulture. What do you do? That's why Wildwoods Rehabilitation exists. Come behind the scenes at Wildwoods and see some of the animals while you learn more.
The breeding season of a turkey vulture starts in March and continues into June. One local turkey vulture decided our garage looked alluring and ended up injuring itself to the point it couldn't fly. We decided to get him help from a local wildlife rehab center. Watch the hilarious and daring capture and transport here.
Thanks to Wildwoods Rehabilitation center for posting this on their Facebook page. At first I didn't believe what I was seeing! Two bald eagles were engaged in aerial combat above the Duluth Airport when their talons locked together and they fell onto the tarmac.