
Passenger Jet Lands Without Landing Gear [VIDEO]
Passenger Jet Lands Without Landing Gear [VIDEO]
Passenger Jet Lands Without Landing Gear [VIDEO]
Have you seen the advertisement where the plane comes in for a landing and a truck drives in and saves the day, acting as a landing gear?  Well what a coincidence.  I just found this video that happened recently.  No, there is no truck coming to the rescue (a truck could never handle that kind of weight anyway)...
Richard Simmons Stars In Airline Safety Video!
Richard Simmons Stars In Airline Safety Video!
Richard Simmons Stars In Airline Safety Video!
For the first time on a flight last week I got the safety instructions before takeoff  from a video and not from the flight attendants.  It was nothing like this and I actually chuckled when I watched this real life safety video from Air New Zealand starting Richard Simmons.