air show

Stunt Plane Flight with a View
Stunt Plane Flight with a View
Stunt Plane Flight with a View
Stunt planes like the Lucas Oil Pitts will be on center stage at the 2016 Duluth Airshow, and Ron from our sister station got the opportunity to go along for a ride to capture an awesome scenic flight over Duluth and Lake Superior to get ready for the big show.
Wild Ride Over Duluth
Wild Ride Over Duluth
Wild Ride Over Duluth
It's hard to imagine what it is like being inside of one of the stunt planes that performs breathtaking aerobatic stunts at the Duluth Airshow. Thanks to Ian, one of the brave on-air personalities on our sister station, we got to go along for a ride in the Jack Link's Extra 300L performance plane.
Parachute Fails on Sky Diver at Air Show, Fellow Sky Diver Rescues Him Mid Air [VIDEO]
Parachute Fails on Sky Diver at Air Show, Fellow Sky Diver Rescues Him Mid Air [VIDEO]
Parachute Fails on Sky Diver at Air Show, Fellow Sky Diver Rescues Him Mid Air [VIDEO]
It's something straight out of an action movie!  A "Red Devil" sky diver's parachute failed to deploy properly.  His fellow Red Devil sky diver noticed the disaster happening, and plummeted to catch up to him, deploying his chute and grabbing a hold of the guidewire of the tangled chute to save him!