Top 10 Patriotic Country Songs
Country music and patriotism have always gone hand in hand. Whether in times of war or peace, American anthems have been fan-favorite country songs for decades, and there are a slew of country tunes that proudly proclaim the beauty and benefits of the United States of America.
Below, The Boot counts down our 10 favorite country music tributes to the USA:
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"Only in America"
Brooks & DunnProudest Lines: "Only in America / Where we dream in red, white and blue / Only in America / Where we dream as big as we want to."
This song was released just before the 9/11 terrorist attacks and became a patriotic pick-me-up afterward. It resurfaced in 2004 as President George W. Bush's re-election campaign song.
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"Ragged Old Flag"
Johnny CashProudest Lines: "So we raise her up every morning, take her down every night / We don't let her touch the ground, and we fold her up right / On second thought, I do like to brag / 'Cause I'm mighty proud of the ragged old flag."
This song's titular flag has several badges of honor: A hole from Washington crossing the Delaware, a rip from the Battle of New Orleans, and another from Vietnam.
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"Some Gave All"
Billy Ray CyrusProudest Lines: "All gave some and some gave all / And some stood through for the red, white and blue / And some had to fall / And if you ever think of me / Think of all your liberties / And recall, some gave all."
Cyrus once sang this title track to his nine-times platinum debut album for troops on a battleship in Norfolk, Va., in a performance the singer calls one of the highlights of his career.
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"Bumper of My SUV"
Chely WrightProudest Lines: "Yes, I do have questions / I get to ask them because I'm free / That's why I've got a sticker for the U.S. Marines / On the bumper of my SUV."
Wright was inspired to write this song after a woman flipped her off in traffic, cursing the singer for her U.S. Marines bumper sticker.
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Waylon JenningsProudest Lines: "It don't matter where I may roam / Tell you people that it's home sweet home / America, America."
In this song, written by Sammy Johns, the late country legend praises the unity of his fellow countrymen and asks them to respect the Native Americans who occupied the land first.
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Trace AdkinsProudest Lines: "I'm proud to be on this peaceful piece of property / I'm on sacred ground, and I'm in the best of company / I'm thankful for those thankful for the things I've done / I can rest in peace, I'm one of the chosen ones / I made it to Arlington."
Adkins sings this poignant tune from the perspective of a fallen American soldier, now buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
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"In America"
Charlie DanielsProudest Lines: "We'll all stick together, and you can take that to the bank / That's the cowboys and the hippies, Rebels and the Yanks."
Daniels wrote this song in reaction to the 1979 Iran hostage crisis. Ever the proud American, the famed fiddler also wrote a song called "This Ain't No Rag, It's a Flag" in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
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"Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagle Fly"
Aaron TippinProudest Lines: "I pledge allegiance to this flag / And if that bothers you, well, that's too bad / But if you got pride and you're proud you do / Hey, we could use some more like me and you."
Tippin wrote this post-9/11 anthem a decade after writing what was the unofficial theme of the Persian Gulf War, "You've Got to Stand for Something."
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"American Soldier"
Toby KeithProudest Lines: "I will always do my duty, no matter what the price / I've counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice / Oh, and I don't wanna die for you, but if dyin''s asked of me / I'll bear that cross with honor, 'cause freedom don't come free."
An outspoken and dedicated supporter of U.S. troops, Keith could fill this entire countdown. In another of his classic patriotic songs, "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue," he tells terrorists, "We'll put a boot up your ass / It's the American way."
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"God Bless the USA"
Lee GreenwoodProudest Lines: "I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today / 'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land / God bless the USA."
Though Greenwood wrote this song in 1983, it didn't become a big hit until Desert Storm in 1991, when radio stations embraced it to help boost patriotism. The song re-entered the country charts in 2001, after 9/11.
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