NAACP To Distribute Free Masks
It's been one of those years with a lot of firsts for many of us. The pandemic has taken a toll on a lot of people and has changed how we live. Granted it's probably minor in the grand scheme of things, wearing masks in just about every public place is the new normal. Most of the general public doesn't have it as bad though, compared to our healthcare workers pushing through 12+ hour shifts in the same mask.
Regardless on your thoughts for having to wear one out, it's pretty simple, wear one or don't visit many establishments. Earlier on there was more of a mask shortage and community members and groups have joined forces to churn out a bunch of masks for those in need.
The NAACP is helping out big time by having a free mask distribution event. There will be adult and youth masks available to the public on Thursday, July 30th, from 5:00PM-6:30PM. It's taking place at Super One in Superior, located at 1515 Oakes Avenue. If you have any questions or other mask needs you can call: 218-343-8717, or email lgoerdt87@gmail.com

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