FUN!  The last time I was on an ATV it was in the Salt Flats of Wendover, UT.  It was such a beautiful ride......when I wasn't doing 75MPH!!!!!

If excessive moisture has your favorite trails closed, the MN DNR has some alternate suggestions.  Especially if you plan on taking some time to ride during the Easter holiday week-end.

Oh, and LADIES....keep listening to B105 and watching the website for my blog about an ATV ride coming  SOON! WHO WANTS TO GET DIRTY WITH ME!!!!!

MN DNR Question of the week:   Some of Minnesota's off-highway vehicle (OHV) trails have been closed due to the spring melt. Where can all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and other OHV enthusiasts ride their machines until the ground dries out enough to reopen those other trails?

There are a number of good options throughout Minnesota that are available and open to OHV riding, not just now, but year round. When considering public areas, riders should focus on those places that are located on well-drained sites.

The best options for spring and year-round riding are portions of the Soo Line Trail north and south for ATVs, Tri-County site for ATVs, Appleton riding area for ATVs and off-highway motorcycles, and the Iron Range OHV Recreation Area, which can accommodate ATVs, off-highway motorcycles and off-road vehicles like modified trucks.

The Iron Range OHV Recreation Area is located near Gilbert. Another option riders can consider is private land, but before venturing out onto someone else's property, it is imperative that riders get permission. More trail information can be found at

Updates regarding seasonal closures and other trail information can be found on the DNR's website at Online road and trail condition information is updated every Thursday by 2 p.m. For closures and updates, go to "Current Conditions," or call the DNR Information Center at 651-296-6157 or toll-free at 888-646-6367 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays.

Information via--Mary Straka, DNR Off-Highway Vehicle Program consultant




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