Mayor Larson Is Encouraging People Who Attended Trump Rally In Duluth To Get Tested
Mayor Emily Larson is urging anyone who attended President Trump's rally in Duluth this past week to get tested for COVID-19 after the president tweeted that he has tested positive. The Mayor as reported by WDIO said :
The news of anyone contracting COVID-19 is scary and unsettling. If you were at the rally on Wednesday, please wear a mask, visit your healthcare provider to be tested, or go to the DECC to get a free test. I truly wish the President, First Lady, and anyone else who has been diagnosed a full and speedy recovery.
The mayor also urged that anybody that was at the rally is encouraged to self isolate and follow state and federal guidelines. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) does not get involved with President Trump his staff or any out of state residents for contact tracing of the virus. Their focus is is tracing and contacting Minnesota residents only.
The department said there is a potential risk that transmission occurred at the Duluth rally and other events with President Trump’s visit, because community transmission was high in St. Louis County prior to the rally. Footage from the rally showed many people not wearing masks and not socially distancing themselves from each other .

The Minnesota Department of Health Has Released the Following Guidelines:
- Anyone who attended events associated with the President’s visit and who now has symptoms should get tested right away.
- People should consider getting tested even if they do not have symptoms because some people may not develop or recognize symptoms and people can spread the virus even without displaying symptoms. People should get tested five to seven days after the event. If they test negative, they should get tested again around 12 days after the event. People should get tested in their home communities and seek testing from their health care provider.
- Anyone who was a direct contact of President Trump or known COVID-19 cases needs to quarantine and should get tested. It is important to understand that quarantine for 14 days is necessary regardless of test results.
- Anyone who attended any large group gathering, especially one with limited social distancing and/or masking, should be alert to potential symptoms of COVID-19 infection, and limit social interactions for 14 days. This is true even if they feel no symptoms of illness.
Any Minnesota resident who wishes to be tested can do so at the DECC and is encouraged to call ahead and make an appointment to cut down on crowds and wait time. For more information on testing sites click here.
Here are some tips for self-care during the pandemic:
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