The Minnesota Department of Transportation has been working away on the I-35 bridge rehabilitation project in Duluth.

The $13 million project began on July 8 with lane closures near the Duluth tunnels. At that time, the project was expected to continue into September 2024. Then, there would be a break before the project resumed in the summer of 2025.

As many Northland motorists know, the impact area has been on I-35 in Duluth from Mesaba Avenue to 21st Avenue East, where workers look to improve load-carrying capacity and extend the service life of the I-35 bridge between Mesaba Avenue and 5th Avenue West.

Recently, MnDOT announced they would need to extend the I-35 ramp closures into October, with a target reopening date of Friday, October 11. This was because additional concrete needed to be done. However, good news arrived this week as motorists won't have to wait quite as long as expected.

MnDOT Announces Reopening Date For All Recently Closed Ramps

MnDOT announced it will reopen all I-35/Lake Avenue bridge ramps in Duluth on Friday, October 4. The Michigan Street onramp to northbound I-35 will also reopen.

The ramps that had been closed include:

  • I-35 northbound off-ramp to Lake Avenue bridge
  • I-35 southbound off-ramp to Lake Avenue bridge
  • I-35 southbound on-ramp from Lake Avenue bridge
  • I-35 northbound on-ramp from Lake Avenue bridge
  • I-35 northbound on-ramp from Michigan Street
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MnDOT Announces Ramp Closure & Continued Lane Closures

While the reopenings are great for Northland motorists, there will be one new ramp closure to navigate around. MnDOT also announced the 5th Avenue West to I-35 northbound onramp will close on Friday, October 4 to allow for crossover construction in preparation for 2025 work on the I-35 mainline bridges.

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Also, left lane closures on both northbound and southbound I-35 between 5th Avenue West and Lake Avenue will continue for this work. Crossover construction is expected to be complete by late October.

Please drive with extreme caution while in construction zones.

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From scandalous bikini calendars to your dad's AMC Gremlin, '80s garages were a treasure trove of adventure, good fun, and sometimes downright danger.

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