Local Police Department Assist UMD Police with Move In Week
The Duluth Police Department has partnered with the University of Minnesota-Duluth Police Department to increase enforcement for UMD’s annual move in weekend. A grant from the Invitation Health Institute has allowed the Duluth Police Department to increase the number of officers assigned to the campus’s surrounding area.
There has been issues and concerns in the past, so law enforcement will be monitoring the UMD campus as well as areas such as 21st Avenue East and Woodland Avenue which have caused concerns in the past.
The additional officers will be assisting the UMD Police Department through Sunday, September 2nd. Officers will take a proactive approach while dealing with parties and nuisance properties. Officers will focus on keeping students accountable for inappropriate signage, underage consumption of alcohol, littering and other nuisances that create blight for the surrounding campus area.
The Duluth Police Department and the UMD Police Department wish the incoming students success in the upcoming school year.