Parents who are trying to keep an eye on what their kids are doing online understand it’s hard to do. It takes diligence, and commitment. There are so many pitfalls for them to fall into and you can’t really catch everything. 

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I came across an article on Yahoo this week, that parents and grandparents need to be aware. It’s another thing you need to be looking out for. 

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It’s called Galaxy Gas. It has nothing to do with space dust, or anything to do with farting. It actually seems benign, but in reality, it’s pretty serious.  

The product Galaxy Gas is the brand name for a Whipped Cream Charger. It comes in a stainless-steel container that is filled with nitrous oxide. The point of the product is to help turn cream and other ingredients into the whipped form that people enjoy like whipped cream, cold brew coffees, deserts and sauces. 

Kids are dispensing the Galaxy Gas sans cream into their mouths. You may be saying to yourself that sounds like “whippets”, and you're right. It’s similar.  

The dangers can cause those who use it feel dizzy, faint, have seizures, or have memory loss. Additional negative effects are long term nerve damage, or possibly a heart attack. Using Galaxy Gas or the new “whippets”, can also be deadly.  

This is a trend that has been circulating on social media and that’s what some kids are getting the idea. 

There’s also another danger that is becoming popular and that is “chroming”, it’s similar to “huffing”. 

Kids are inhaling permanent markers, nail polish, aerosol deodorant, metallic paint, computer duster spray, paint thinners, gasoline and hair spray to get high off the hydrocarbons that are contained within those products.  

Galaxy Gas and the items listed above can be purchased anywhere practically by any teenager and that is one of the big problems, they easy to get. Galaxy Gas and similar products can be bought from Amazon without anyone checking on the buyer's age.  

Parents need to be armed with as much information as possible, hopefully this will help you be on the lookout for something that could be very dangerous that is right under your nose.  

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