Pete Davidson is Coming to Mystic Lake!
Just announced: everybody's favorite comedian-who-may-also-be-a-feral-racoon-in-a-trench-coat Pete Davidson is coming to Mystic Lake Showroom on Sunday (SUNDAY SUNDAY KIDS SEATS STILL JUST FIVE BUUUCKS!), December 10th at 8pm. Tickets are NOT five buuuucks (the start at $82 before those pesky fees), but do go on sale Friday, October 20th at 10am. There are various presales, too.
He hosted the October 14th episode of Saturday Night Live, which began with a heartfelt and somber cold open from Pete himself. Check it out below:
Pete shot to fame as an 8-year (2014-2022) cast member for SNL, where his Weekend Update features and music videos got millions of views.
The dude's funny.
Yes, he's dated some high-profile celebs. But if the guy didn't first have extraordinary talent, his dating life wouldn't be news.
On top of his SNL pedigree he also created, wrote, starred in and was the executive producer of "The King of Staten Island". He's also made memorable appearances in "Trainwreck", "Transformers: Rise of the Beasts", "Bodies Bodies Bodies", "Big Time Adolescence", and more.

Mystic Lake notes: "This event will be a phone-free experience. Use of phones, smart watches and accessories will not be permitted in the performance space. Upon arrival at the venue, all phones, smart watches and accessories will be secured in individual Yondr pouches that will be opened at the end of the event. Guests maintain possession of their devices at all times and can access them throughout the event only in designated Phone Use Areas within the venue. All devices will be re-secured in Yondr pouches before returning to the performance space. Anyone seen using a device (phone, smart watch or accessories) during the performance will be escorted out of the venue."
So just enjoy the show, man!