I don't know for sure, but my fishing trip may be affected after watching this video. I wouldn't have believed it unless I saw it with my own eyes; a woman has been friends with a sunfish for 9 years!

Meet Holly. Holly seems like the kind of person that loves to live in nature, and off the grid as much as possible. She seems to relish the peace of nature all around her, and shares her love for nature on her website.


Holly Jorgensen says she wasn't looking to make friends with a fish, but one day this one just looked at her differently. "Why he recognizes me and looks at me the way he does and follows me around, I don't know. But it's wonderful,” Holly says about Greenie, her sunfish friend.

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Holly swims with Greenie, She feeds Greenie; He's always waiting for her at the dock. This year, as soon as the ice was off the lake, she was surprised to see Greenie waiting for her for another season.


There was a time when he came to the dock and he had a hook in his mouth. Holly says her heart sank. She very carefully removed the hook from his mouth and he's been fine, and continues to visit her and spend time with her every year.

Holly's had such adventures with Greenie that she has written a book about it, called "Greenie and the Girl."

Watch the video below for the whole story. I may never be able to catch a sunfish again without feeling guilty.


KARE 11/YouTube


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