Minnesota Woman Kindly Gave Her New Shoes To Homeless Man
We all know how brutal winter can be in Minnesota, especially for people who do not have secure housing. Many days on the streets can be a matter of life and death trying to stay warm and out of the elements. A woman by the name of Ta Leia Thomas or "Ace" as she likes to go by saw a customer come into her store in Brookly Center last week with some shoes made out of boxes.
She immediately went over to the man and gave him her brand-new shoes to wear. She said she was not worried for herself to walk home in her socks because she lived right across the street and she had other shoes she could wear. These were no ordinary shoes she had given to this man, these were very expensive brand new Air Jordans, but Ace knew it was the right thing to do.
She went on about her day not telling anybody what happened, but her boss saw the store video later that night and was so touched by her act of kindness that he wanted to spread the word. Her story has gone viral and this week she met with KARE 11, saying: "I tell everybody I didn't even care about the shoes, I cared about that man. I felt like if somebody was able to give one person a chance, the world can be a better place."

This past Tuesday a complete stranger came into the store and gifted her with a pair of custom Purple Air Jordans and some gift cards for her and her mom. Ace is a huge Minnesota Vikings fan, so the purple shoes were just what she wanted. Then on Wednesday, a package arrived from the Jordan Brand with three more pairs of Air Jordan shoes.
Mark Zobel with the Brooklyn Center Community Emergency Assistance Program was inspired by Ace's story and they have now started up "Aces Winter Drive" collecting coats, hats, gloves, and boots for people in need in the community. Ace said to KARE11:
I feel like, honestly, giving that man a pair of shoes is like I planted a seed in the soil and now it's blooming to something more beautiful. I want to keep planting seeds so that it's blooming all over.
On top of all of this, the Minnesota Vikings wanted to thank Ace as well and so she will be attending her very first Vikings game at US Bank Stadium this Saturday. Maybe Ace will bring the Vikings some good luck, and her story will continue to inspire others to be kind and pay it forward.