6 Vital Reminders Every Minnesotan Should Know If You Have To Drive During A Snowstorm
Even though Minnesotans take pride in their ability to drive in nearly any conditions, there are still people who either seem to forget the basics or maybe think their vehicle is more capable than it really is.
The reality is, no matter how good your tires are, no matter how much clearance your vehicle has, and regardless of whether you have all-wheel or four-wheel drive, even the best-equipped vehicles still require additional skill and strategy to stay safe on the roads.
With heavy snow in the forecast across a wide part of the state, being made even more treacherous by blowing and drifting from strong winds, driving during (and even after) this week's storm is going to be rough.
While the Minnesota State Patrol recommends avoiding travel during the storm if you can help it, some people don't have the option to hunker down at home. Whether work or some kind of emergency, sometimes travel can't be avoided during a storm.
Because of that, the Minnesota State Patrol offered five quick reminders every Minnesotan should keep in mind when hitting the road during a snowstorm. I'll add one crucial one to that list that should go without saying.