Have You Seen Burt Reynolds Lately? I Was Shocked! [VIDEO]
THAT is how I remember Burt Reynolds. Svelte, sexy, debonair, composed and yummy. Smokey and the Bandit is an all time favorite movie. He and Sally Fields had great chemistry. Last night while watching Fast N' Loud I saw Burt as he is now and I was shocked!
We all age, I get that, but I was just hanging out watching TV with Homie and Bauer the dog when an episode of Fast N' Loud came on with boasting that Burt Reynolds would be in the show. My interest was intrigued and I sat through most of the show to see a frail, slightly unrecognizable man hunched over using a cane. THAT was Burt????
Then he spoke and that confirmed it was him. While his appearance had changed, (after all he's late 70's, early 80's) he still sounded like Burt with that slightly sarcastic humor and his smile was still killer. He still is one of my favorite actors, it's just hard to remember him in Smokey and the Bandit and then see him now. It makes me realize how much time has really passed in my own life. If you haven't seen him lately, brace yourself.
Smokey and the Bandit Chase Scene to take you back!