Guess Why This Minnesota Motorcyclist Reached Speeds Near 150mph
A Minnesota man had a terrible excuse after he was arrested for driving speeds near 150mph.
Traffic in Minnesota has been in the news quite a bit lately. Earlier this week, a family collided with a moose and the moose went through the windshield on Highway 53. Last week a semi-truck on Interstate 35 smashed into a pickup truck causing it to burst into flames.
Let's not forget, it is Grandma's Marathon weekend in Duluth this week, so traffic may get a little intense. Just hopefully not as bad as those stories. You can take an updated look at the weather forecast for the weekend here.

According to the StarTribune, a motorcyclist from Pine Island, Minnesota (near Rochester) was clocked going 144 mph. The 22 year-old was traveling while not wearing a helmet in a 65 mph zone on Highway 63.
It was stated that the Olmsted County deputy who clocked the speeding motorcyclist did not pursue him at fist, but stopped him after he was spotted again in Rochester. It was reported that the young man was uncooperative during the traffic stop. At one point, the man attempted to flee the scene, but lost balance and fell over.
Once handcuffed, the young man stated he was going fast, simply "because it was hot". I'm no expert on the law, but that is no reason to go almost 80 mph over the speed limit. The man also claimed "the entire incident was the deputy's fault'.
The man was charged with obstructing legal process lawful execution (gross misdemeanor), speed exceeding 65 mph (misdemeanor), driving after revocation (misdemeanor), and reckless driving (misdemeanor).
Please be safe, wear the right gear, and don't speed.
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