Force Awakens Reignites Star Wars Franchise & Lays Groundwork For Endless New Stories
Don't worry, no spoilers here. I wouldn't do that to anyone, because the movie would lose it's magic if I told you anything. Magic is the best way to describe 'The Force Awakens.' They needed to get this one right, for a spring board for the following films, and they certainly got it right.
There was a nice mix of our familiar characters, and a nice introduction to our new characters. We are drawn to the new characters and as fans, we welcome them into the Star Wars family.
The movie is a sprint from start to finish. There was not a single scene that I wasn't interested in, and we left the theater wanting more. The movie holds your interest for the 2 hours and 16 minutes, and won't let go. In fact, the movie delivers so much content that I need to go again so I can process all of it.
The movie captures the feel of the original trilogy. There are parallels drawn throughout much of the story line with the original trilogy, and that's fine. This movie patched up our relationship with new Star Wars movies after the prequels failed to capture the original magic.
I won't say anything more, besides that this is a movie that you'll need to see in the movie theater.