Federal Trade Commission Warns Of Computer Related Scam
The Federal Trade Commission has issued a warning of a new scam where scammers, pretending to be the FTC, will call looking to gain access to your computer.
The callers will reach out regarding the FTC’s Advanced Tech Support refund program. They will tell you that you're moments away from getting money and all you need to do to complete the transfer process is let them connect to your computer.
According to the FTC:
These kinds of scams, where imposters ask for remote access to your computer, are called tech support scams, and they exist in many forms. They may try to trick you into installing malware, sell you software that’s worthless, or direct you to websites and ask you to enter your credit card number and other personal information. They may also ask you to pay them by buying gift cards or prepaid debit cards at local stores or online.
The FTC will never call you asking to gain computer access and in regard to their Advanced Tech Support program, all checks have already been mailed to those receiving money and no new claims are being accepted.
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