Duluth To Offer New Adult Kickball League
I see funny movies about this, or I'll see it on TV with James Corden playing it. The City of Duluth is going to have a kickball league.
City of Duluth Parks and Rec announced a new adult kickball league. The new league is now the second league option for adults in the city. This league will be starting in the fall.
According to a press release from the City of Duluth Parks and Rec Department, you must be 18 or older to participate. The games will be every Wednesday starting September 8 for six weeks at Wade Stadium. The cost per team is $200. The deadline for teams to sign up is Wednesday, September 1. This is an open league, meaning that there is no requirement of how many men or women have to sign up to play.
This is an exciting opportunity for adults. This is something that a lot of people were asking for and about and now it has come to fruition. There are actually some rules and some things that are different but it is played on a softball field. Here are some rules that are on YouTube.
Keep in mind this is LXC rules, I'm not sure what league rules the Duluth Parks and Rec League use. There are some teams that take this seriously, they have their own Facebook pages like the Toejammers.
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There are people that play slip and slide kickball, I think this looks fun. Hey Duluth or Superior, let's start a slip n slide kickball league in this area!!