CDC Releases Guidelines For 2020 Thanksgiving Holiday
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, the CDC has released their guidelines on what is safe and isn't safe this holiday season amid the pandemic.
According to the CDC's recommendations, people should avoid large public gatherings this Thanksgiving, like going shopping and fighting crowds for deals on Black Friday. They also advise against taking part in a spectator sport that day (races are common on the holiday), attending parades and attending large gatherings indoors, even with members of your own family from which you don't live. All of these activities are considered "high risk" this year.
That does not mean you can't have any fun this Thanksgiving or celebrate in some way. "Moderate risk" activities this holiday include having a small outdoor dinner with your family and friends, visiting pumpkin patches where COVID-19 guidelines are in place and attending an outdoor sports event where there are also COVID-19 guidelines.
Activities with a "low risk" this Thanksgiving include your favorite activities, just done in a different way. The CDC recommends having dinner with only those who live in your household, delivering food to others instead of hosting them, shopping online and avoiding crowds at Black Friday and watching sports events / movies from the comfort of your home.
Last, the CDC says to stay home instead of traveling this holiday season.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also released a list of guidelines ahead of Halloween, advising against traditional trick-or-treating and big costume parties to stop the spread of COVID-19.

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